Before last week, I never thought I’d have to learn how to exercise during a pandemic. However, CFC has taught me that just because I’m stuck inside practicing self-isolation it doesn’t mean I can’t workout with my #CourageStrong family.
With all of us doing our best to play a role in the aid against this pandemic as we stay indoors, it’s only natural that our need for some normalcy and positivity is much needed. Every night CFC trainer, Pao, offers free live workout sessions through Instagram’s live streaming option that is open and available for everyone to join in the comfort of their home.
No weights? No problem! Every session is especially created to be completed using only body weight or objects that can be found in any household. If you’re looking to challenge your body, Pao recommends using common household items to add weight to your workout. This can be anything from canned goods, bags of rice, or books. Just like life at the CFC gym, every virtual class is filled with positive energy, motivation and sweat. Don’t think just because you’re working out from home these sessions are any easier! Pao makes sure to get your heart racing and your muscles pumping with every session. Just like our usual in-person classes, each session targets a general part of the body: upper, lower or mid. With the use of our own body weight, specific muscles are targeted and toned through repetition, including a warm-up before every workout and a cool-down after every session.
CFC has always been a place to feel good, boost energy and have a great time. During a time of immense uncertainty and seemingly never-ending change, CFC brings us the comfort of routine while remaining ever-innovative. By introducing live workout sessions, CFC is making more than just physical exercise accessible to all members and non-members, they are giving hope to everyone in the local community for better days to come.
- Chelsea 💪🏼